The Baja Blog

The Baja Blog concerns all aspects of Living and traveling in Baja California Mexico created by the folks at

Sunday, September 23, 2007

People being assaulted in TJ

People being assaulted in TJ

23:18 -0700


At September 24, 2007 at 2:43 PM , Blogger said...

I heard about this about a week ago and had not read the story until today. First I must say it is all probably very true. I have no reason to believe that is not and this kind of thing has happened in the past. I was just up in Tijuana myself and I rarley go there.

I believed it had been cleaned up a bit but I suspected as I spoke with people in the street that they still have major problmes with the security of residents and tourist. I don't like having to admit this as I work in tourism and try to help people have a good , safe time whether they are coming here once or repeatedly. I work in real estate in Baja Califonria Sur and while I have not heard of anything this drastic happening down here I belive that it could.

I have been a full time resident of Baja Sur for over 18 years and have never had anything like this happen to me or any of my many friends that regularly travel all over Baja.

I hope that the Mexican government is waking up to the reality that this must stop or they will lose their tourism and foriegn investors. I have been working in Baja Sur for several years to help fight police corruption but it generally deals with false accusations and minor robberies or small time drug dealers hassling tourists.

Please understand as well though,I have had some very serious problems in the U.S.including with very corrupt police and even a district attourney.

In other words while this is terrible that things like this do happen it is not like an everyday occurance here in Mexico anymore than it is in other countries.

A little advice is that you should avoid driving at night especially in the border areas to avoid this kind of thing from happening. I understand that these travelers are surfers with a lot of Baja experience and unfortunately were probably targeted by these criminals because of the boards and camping gear which tells them that they probably have cash money and would not been seen because of the time of night they were traveling.

Believe me there are a lot of very honest and helpful Mexicans all over Baja and I'm sure these surfers experience in the past has been nothing like this.

None of this excuses this kind of thing and I have already forwarded this to an official of the tourism board to make sure they knew about it.

I can only hope that people will report these types of problems and continue to look out for one another and realize that this does not happen always or all over Mexico anymore than many other places.


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